Your straightforward, streamlined, and precise digital transport administration solution.

CargoSlip ONE logo on a greyscale marina background, name in a square font logo resembling to a cargo container displaying "C1" as an abbreviation and implying that is a customs and logistics service

Your Automated Customs & Logistics Solution

CargoSlip One brings you the transport management of the future. Our digital solution is simple, efficient, and reliable, helping you manage and control your operations while ensuring legal compliance.

The system increases your efficiency, accuracy, and transparency, saving you time and money like never before. You can access your data securely and easily through our cloud-based platform from anywhere at any time.

Green Solution In Logistics

Our focus is on promoting sustainable practices within the logistics industry. We achieve this by optimising capacity and digitising paperwork, which in turn reduces CO2 emissions, and results in improved sustainability for our clients.

Our goal is to transform this sector into a greener and more efficient environment, with benefits not only for businesses but also for our planet. You can trust us to make your logistics operations greener, more sustainable, and highly efficient.

CargoSlip ONE logo on a green rainforest video background, name in a square font logo resembling to a cargo container displaying "C1" as an abbreviation and implying that is a customs and logistics service

Transforming car export with digital innovation

CargoSlip One is revitalising premium car exports, replacing archaic, erroneous paper-based methods with innovative digital solutions, improving compliance and reducing customs fines.


  • Rapid upgrade: Advanced workflows implemented in weeks.

  • Precision: Resolved discrepancies, avoided fines.

  • Compliance Boost: Improve adherence to regulatory requirements.

  • Ready module: Set for real-life tests.

We're not just improving processes, we're innovating for a sustainable, efficient future in top automotive export. We supercharge your logistics.

Our solutions assist in reducing redundancy, minimising human error, and maintaining ongoing legal compliance.

Optimise your customs & logistics with CargoSlip One and benefit from a more efficient, secure and speedy performance than ever before.


CargoSlip ONE logo on white background, name in a square font logo resembling to a cargo container displaying "C1" as an abbreviation and implying that is a customs and logistics service